Health economic combat
A couple of weeks ago we decided to create a more formal website for our research group within the department of Statistical Science at UCL.
The group includes the PhD students involved in health economic-related topics (basically all under my supervision although for all of them the help of my colleagues who act as second supervisors is being invaluable!) and some of my colleagues in the department.
The website collects all the relevant information, including a description of the current research projects (mainly at PhD level, but also for the MSc projects and, potentially, for Undergraduate projects), as well as details of our seminar series. We’ll also link to some (forthcoming) publications and news.
I’ve fought (and just about won) to resist the temptation of using the acronym Sheeva, as in _**S_tatistics and _H_ealth _E_conomic _Eva**_luation, for the group \(-\) I guess it would have really been too geeky…