4. Aggregated level data and evidence synthesis

Gianluca Baio

Department of Statistical Science   |   University College London




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@gianlubaio@mas.to     @gianlubaio    

Bayesian modelling for economic evaluation of healthcare interventions

València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School, 7th edition, University of Valencia

10 - 11 July 2024

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  • Role of evidence synthesis in decision modelling
    • Absolute and relative effects
  • Meta-analysis of aggregated summaries from RCTs
    • Multi-level hierarchical models
    • Exchangeability: No/Partial/Complete pooling
    • Magnesium example
  • Evidence synthesis in health economics
    • Influenza example


Evidence-based decisions

  • Robust healthcare decisions should:
    • Consider all costs and benefits over a patients lifetime
    • Be evidence-based, reflecting all relevant evidence
  • Economic evaluation based on individual level data from a single RCT
    • May not capture longer-term costs/benefits
    • May not generalise to other populations/settings
    • May not be the only relevant source of evidence… results may differ if we use another source
  • Need to identify all relevant evidence
    • Transparent, reproducible, specific
  • Systematic review
    • Population (including subgroups)
    • Interventions
    • Comparators
    • Outcomes

Absolute vs Relative effects

  • Absolute effects
    • e.g. probabilities, mean scores, event rates
    • Typically whats needed in a decision model
  • Relative effects
    • e.g. log-odds ratio, mean difference, hazard ratio
    • By design RCTs provide evidence on relative effects
    • \(\ldots\) relative effects more generalisable than the absolute effects

Goal: Apply relative effects to reference absolute effect to obtain absolute effects

  • mean\(_1\) = mean\(_0\) + mean difference
  • log-odds\(_1\) = log-odds\(_0\) + log OR — equivalently: \(\logit(p_1)=\logit(p_0)+\txt{log OR}\)
    • Transforms from log OR \(\mu\) to probability \(p\), using inverse logit function

\[\class{myblue}{p= \displaystyle\frac{\exp(\mu)}{1+\exp(\mu)} \iff \mu = \logit(p) = \log\left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)}\]

  • log-hazard\(_1\) = log-hazard\(_0\) + log HR

NB: we need to fully propagate the uncertainty in the relative to the absolute effect! (Being Bayesian makes life much easier! 😉)

Example — Magnesium

Placebo Magnesium
ID Name Year Deaths \((r_1)\) Total \((n_1)\) Deaths \((r_2)\) Total \((n_2)\)
1 Morton 1984 2 36 1 40
2 Rasmussen 1986 23 135 9 135
3 Smith 1986 7 200 2 200
4 Abraham 1987 1 46 1 48
5 Felstedt 1988 8 148 10 150
6 Shechter 1989 9 56 1 59
7 Ceremuzynski 1989 3 23 1 25
8 Bertschat 1989 1 21 0 22
9 Singh 1990 11 75 6 76
10 Pereira 1990 7 27 1 27
11 Shechter 1 1991 12 80 2 89
12 Golf 1991 13 33 5 23
13 Thorgersen 1991 8 122 4 130
14 LIMIT-2 1992 118 1157 90 1159
15 Shechter 2 1995 17 108 4 107
16 ISIS-4 1995 2103 29039 2216 29011

Example — Magnesium

Placebo Magnesium
ID Name Year Deaths \((r_1)\) Total \((n_1)\) Deaths \((r_2)\) Total \((n_2)\)
1 Morton 1984 2 36 1 40
2 Rasmussen 1986 23 135 9 135
3 Smith 1986 7 200 2 200
4 Abraham 1987 1 46 1 48
5 Felstedt 1988 8 148 10 150
6 Shechter 1989 9 56 1 59
7 Ceremuzynski 1989 3 23 1 25
8 Bertschat 1989 1 21 0 22
9 Singh 1990 11 75 6 76
10 Pereira 1990 7 27 1 27
11 Shechter 1 1991 12 80 2 89
12 Golf 1991 13 33 5 23
13 Thorgersen 1991 8 122 4 130
14 LIMIT-2 1992 118 1157 90 1159
15 Shechter 2 1995 17 108 4 107
16 ISIS-4 1995 2103 29039 2216 29011

Example — Magnesium

Placebo Magnesium
ID Name Year Deaths \((r_1)\) Total \((n_1)\) Deaths \((r_2)\) Total \((n_2)\)
1 Morton 1984 2 36 1 40
2 Rasmussen 1986 23 135 9 135
3 Smith 1986 7 200 2 200
4 Abraham 1987 1 46 1 48
5 Felstedt 1988 8 148 10 150
6 Shechter 1989 9 56 1 59
7 Ceremuzynski 1989 3 23 1 25
8 Bertschat 1989 1 21 0 22
9 Singh 1990 11 75 6 76
10 Pereira 1990 7 27 1 27
11 Shechter 1 1991 12 80 2 89
12 Golf 1991 13 33 5 23
13 Thorgersen 1991 8 122 4 130
14 LIMIT-2 1992 118 1157 90 1159
15 Shechter 2 1995 17 108 4 107
16 ISIS-4 1995 2103 29039 2216 29011

Example — Magnesium


  • For study \(i\) in arm \(k\) (for \(k=1\): placebo or \(k=2\): magnesium)

\[\begin{eqnarray*} r_{ik} & \sim & \dbin(\pi_{ik},n_{ik}) \\ \logit(\pi_{ki}) & = & \alpha_i + \delta_i (\text{Trt}_{ik} -1) \end{eqnarray*}\]

  • Given this formulation

\[\pi_{ik} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll}\displaystyle \frac{\exp(\alpha_i\,[+\ldots])}{1+\exp(\alpha_i\,[+\ldots])} & \txt{for the placebo arm }(k=1) \\ & \\ \displaystyle \frac{\exp(\alpha_i+\delta_i\,[+\ldots])}{1+\exp(\alpha_i+\delta_i\,[+\ldots])} & \txt{for the magnesium arm } (k=2) \end{array}\right.\]

  • Can encode different assumptions on the mechanism for the data generating process

No pooling

  • All groups (e.g. “studies”) are assumed independent
    • Not much use for economic modelling, unless only a single study is relevant

No pooling

  • In Magnesium example, assume \(\alpha_i, \delta_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim}\dnorm(0,sd)\)

NB: \(\pi_i\) is just a logical node and used for ease of notation — but can equivalently write \[\class{myblue}{r_i \sim \dbin({\class{red}{\underbrace{\class{myblue}{\logit^{-1}(\alpha_i + \delta_i \text{Trt}_i)}}_{\pi_i}}},n_i)}\]

Complete pooling

  • Assumes that all studies (and all data points!) are exchangeable
    • They are “similar” — all come from the same data generating process
    • DGP depends on a single parameter \(\theta\)

Complete pooling

  • In Magnesium example, assume there is a common effect, \(\class{myblue}{\delta_i=d}\) for all \(i=1,\ldots,S\)

Technically, \(\alpha_i\) do vary by study, but they are some kind of “background noise” (the baseline) — the main parameter indicating the treatment effect is the common \(d\)

Partial pooling (hierarchical models)

  • Data contribute to individual group estimate, but also to overall (pooled) estimate

Partial pooling (hierarchical models)

  • In Magnesium example, assume
    • \(\delta_i \sim \dnorm(d,\sigma_\delta)\)
    • \(d \sim \dnorm(0,sd)\)
    • \(\sigma_\delta \sim p(\sigma_\delta)\)

Complete vs partial pooling

Complete pooling

Partial pooling

Example — Magnesium

  • Need to specify priors for \(\alpha_i,\delta_i\)
    • Could assume \(sd \rightarrow \infty\) to ensure “no influence of the prior”…
    • That’s overly cautious and unnecessary!
  • These are modelled on the logit scale, so can use much smaller values for \(sd\) and still not imply too much information in the prior!

Example — Magnesium

No pooling model

model {
  for(i in 1:S) {
  # Sampling distributions
    r1[i] ~ dbin(pi1[i], n1[i]) 
    r2[i] ~ dbin(pi2[i], n2[i])
  # Linear predictors
    logit(pi1[i]) <- alpha[i]
    logit(pi2[i]) <- alpha[i] + delta[i]
  # Baselines (NB: sd=4 => precision = 0.0625)
    alpha[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.0625) 
  # Study-specific treatment effects (sd=2 => precision = 0.25)
    delta[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.25)

Example — Magnesium

Partial pooling model

model {
  for(i in 1:S) {        
  # Sampling distributions
    r1[i] ~ dbin(pi1[i], n1[i])    
    r2[i] ~ dbin(pi2[i], n2[i])
  # Linear predictors
    logit(pi1[i]) <- alpha[i]
    logit(pi2[i]) <- alpha[i] + delta[i]
  # Baselines (NB: sd=4 => precision = 0.0625)
    alpha[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.0625) 
  # "Random" Effects
    delta[i] ~ dnorm(d, prec)
  # Priors
  d ~ dnorm(0,0.25)
  # Pr(sigma.delta>1) \approx 0.1
  sigma.delta ~ dexp(2.31)
  prec <- pow(sigma.delta,-2)
  # Summaries
  OR <- exp(d)
  delta.pred ~ dnorm(d, prec)

Example — Magnesium

Complete pooling model

model {
  for(i in 1:S) {        
  # Sampling distributions
    r1[i] ~ dbin(pi1[i], n1[i])    
    r2[i] ~ dbin(pi2[i], n2[i])
  # Linear predictors
    logit(pi1[i]) <- alpha[i]
    logit(pi2[i]) <- alpha[i] + delta[i]
  # Baselines (NB: sd=4 => precision = 0.0625)
    alpha[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.0625) 
  # "Degenerate Random" Effects
    delta[i] ~ dnorm(d, prec)
  # Priors
  d ~ dnorm(0,0.25)
  # No variance for the random effects, so not really random...
  sigma.delta <- 0
  prec <- pow(sigma.delta,-2)
  # Summaries
  OR <- exp(d)
  delta.pred ~ dnorm(d, prec)

Example — Magnesium

Complete pooling model

model {
  for(i in 1:S) {        
  # Sampling distributions
    r1[i] ~ dbin(pi1[i], n1[i])    
    r2[i] ~ dbin(pi2[i], n2[i])
  # Model
    logit(pi1[i]) <- alpha[i]
    logit(pi2[i]) <- alpha[i] + d
  # Baselines
    alpha[i] ~ dnorm(0,0.0625) 

  # Priors
  d ~ dnorm(0,0.25)

  # Summaries
  OR <- exp(d)


Example — Magnesium

Running the models in JAGS

Can use code such as this

# Calls JAGS to run the partial pooling model (others are similar...)

Example — Magnesium

Running the models in JAGS

Can use code such as this

# Calls JAGS to run the partial pooling model (others are similar...)

NB: The option pD is only available with the GitHub version of R2jags (though it will be ported to CRAN soon!)

Effective number of model parameters

  1. Complete pooling (\(\sigma_\delta=0\))
    • 16: \(\alpha_i\) study-specific baselines
    • 1: \(d\) (common effect)
    • 17 total nominal parameters — \(p_D=\) 17.87
  1. Partial pooling (\(\sigma_\delta>0\))
    • 16: \(\alpha_i\) study-specific baselines
    • \(\delta_i\) exchangeable (correlated)
    • \(p_D=\) 23.73 \(\Rightarrow\) considerable borrowing/shrinkage…
  1. No pooling (\(\sigma_\delta \rightarrow \infty\))
    • 16: \(\alpha_i\) study-specific baselines
    • 16: \(\delta_i\) study-specific effects
    • 32 total nominal parameters — \(p_D=\) 28.91

Example — Magnesium

Model selection

Model \(p_V\) \(p_D\) DIC \(\E\left[D(\bm\theta)\right]\) \(\sd\left[D(\bm\theta)\right]\)
No-pooling 27.69 28.91 175.79 148.10 7.46
Complete pooling 16.91 17.87 211.89 194.98 5.84
Partial pooling 25.42 23.73 172.58 147.16 7.13
Model OR (95% interval) Between study sd, \(\sigma_\delta\) \(\overline{D(\bm\theta)}\) \(p_D\) DIC
Complete pooling 1.01 (0.95; 1.07) \(-\) 194.98 17.87 212.85
Partial pooling 0.43 (0.26; 0.65) 0.61 (0.31; 1.04) 147.16 23.73 170.89

Example — Magnesium

Model comparison

Example — Magnesium


(“Standard”) cost-effectiveness modelling

  1. Build a population level model (e.g. decision tree or Markov model)

  • NB: in this case, the “data” are typically represented by summary statistics for the parameters of interest \(\bm\theta=(p_0,p_1,l,\ldots)\), but may also have access to a combination of ILD and summaries
  1. Use point estimates for the parameters to build the “base-case” (average) evaluation
  1. Use resampling methods (eg bootstrap) to propage uncertainty in the point estimates and perform uncertainty analysis

Bayesian cost-effectiveness modelling

  1. Build a population level model (e.g. decision tree or Markov model)

  • NB: in this case, the “data” are typically represented by summary statistics for the parameters of interest \(\bm\theta=(p_0,p_1,l,\ldots)\), but may also have access to a combination of ILD and summaries
  1. Estimate all model parameters at once and obtain MCMC simulations to run PSA and decision analysis at once

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Module 1: Influenza incidence

  • \(H\) studies reporting number of patients who get influenza (\(x_h\)) in the sample (\(m_h\))

  • \(\beta_h=\) population probability of influenza from the \(h\)-th study: \(\logit(\beta_h)=\gamma_h\sim \dnorm(\mu\gamma,\sigma_\gamma)\)

  • \(\mu_\gamma\sim\dnorm(0,v)\) \(=\) pooled averaged probability of infection (on logit scale!) \(\Rightarrow \displaystyle \class{red}{p_0=\frac{\exp(\mu_\gamma)}{1+\exp(\mu_\gamma)}}\)

    — or equivalently \(\class{red}{\logit(p_0)=\mu_\gamma}\)

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Module 2: Prophylaxis effectiveness

  • \(S\) studies reporting number of infected patients \(r^{(t)}_s\) in a sample made of \(n^{(t)}_s\) subjects

  • \(\pi^{(t)}_s=\) study- and treatment-specific chance of contracting influenza

    \(\logit\left(\pi^{(0)}_s\right) = \alpha_s \sim \dnorm(0, 10)\)

    \(\logit\left(\pi^{(1)}_s\right) = \alpha_s + \delta_s\)

    \(\delta_s \sim \dnorm(\mu_\delta,\sigma_\delta)=\) study-specific treatment effect

  • \(\class{blue}{\mu_\delta\sim\dnorm(0,v)}=\) pooled log-odds ratio of influenza given treatment

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Decision analytic model

Can combine modules 1 and 2 to get \(\class{olive}{\logit(p_1)=\logit(p_0)+\mu_\delta}\)

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Model code

model {
  # Evidence synthesis on incidence of influenza in the "healthy" adults population (t=0)
  for (h in 1:H) {
    x[h] ~ dbin(beta[h], m[h])
    logit(beta[h]) <- gamma[h]
    gamma[h] ~ dnorm(mu.gamma, tau.gamma)

  # Evidence synthesis for effectiveness of NIs (t=1 vs t=0)
  for (s in 1:S) {
    r0[s] ~ dbin(pi0[s], n0[s])    
    r1[s] ~ dbin(pi1[s], n1[s])
    logit(pi0[s]) <- alpha[s]
    logit(pi1[s]) <- alpha[s]+delta[s]
    # Partial pooling on the treatment effect delta[s]
    delta[s] ~ dnorm(mu.delta,tau.delta)
    alpha[s] ~ dnorm(0,0.00001)
  # Prior distributions
  mu.delta ~ dnorm(0,0.00001);       mu.gamma ~ dnorm(0,0.00001)
  sigma.delta ~ dunif(0,10);         tau.delta <- pow(sigma.delta,-2)
  sigma.gamma ~ dunif(0,10);         tau.gamma <- pow(sigma.gamma,-2)
  # Costs of influenza
  c.inf ~ dnorm(mu.inf,tau.inf)
  # Length of time to recovery when infected by influenza 
  l ~ dlnorm(mu.l,tau.l)

  # Odds Ratio of influenza under treatment with NIs 
  rho <- exp(mu.delta)

  # Estimated probability of influenza in "healthy adults" for t=0 
  logit(p0) <- mu.gamma

  # Estimated probability of influenza in "healthy adults" for t=1 
  logit(p1) <- mu.gamma + mu.delta

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Model fitting

# Defines the parameters list
parameters <- c("p0","p1","l","c.inf","rho")

# Creates a function to draw random initial values 
inits <- function(){
  list(alpha=rnorm(S,0,1), delta=rnorm(S,0,1), mu.delta=rnorm(1),
       sigma.delta=runif(1), gamma=rnorm(H,0,1), mu.gamma=rnorm(1),
       sigma.gamma=runif(1), c.inf=rnorm(1))

# Sets the number of iterations, burnin and thinning
n.iter <- 10000
n.burnin <- 5000
n.thin <- 10

# Finally calls JAGS to do the MCMC run and saves results to the object "model"
model <- jags(data=data,inits=inits,parameters.to.save=parameters,model.file=model.code,
           n.chains=2, n.iter, n.burnin, n.thin, DIC=TRUE)

# Prints the model summaries
Inference for Bugs model at "/tmp/Rtmp5py8EG/model1b7ea54537fd0.txt", 
 2 chains, each with 10000 iterations (first 5000 discarded), n.thin = 10
 n.sims = 1000 iterations saved. Running time = 0.292 secs
         mu.vect sd.vect   2.5%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
c.inf     16.871   2.308 12.439  21.274 1.001  1000
l          8.177   1.377  5.752  11.186 1.002   890
p0         0.059   0.021  0.026   0.103 1.000  1000
p1         0.013   0.008  0.004   0.032 1.000  1000
rho        0.213   0.083  0.096   0.422 1.000  1000
deviance 101.934   5.860 91.986 115.269 1.002   910

For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).

DIC info (using the rule: pV = var(deviance)/2)
pV = 17.2 and DIC = 119.1
DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Economic modelling

# Computes costs & benefits
c <- e <- matrix(NA,n.sims,T)
c[,1] <- (1-p0)*(c.gp) + p0*(c.gp+c.inf)
c[,2] <- (1-p1)*(c.gp+c.ni) + p1*(c.gp+c.ni+c.inf)
e[,1] <- -l*p0
e[,2] <- -l*p1

  • \(l\) proxy for QALY loss due to influenza (length of time to recovery)
  • NB: GP cost incurred under all options, and so could be omitted from model…

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Decision analysis

# Loads the BCEA package to post-process the model output into the economic evaluation

# Defines treatment labels
trt.labels=c("status quo","prophylaxis with NIs")

# Runs the 'bcea' function to create the economic output
m <- bcea(e,c,ref=2,interventions=trt.labels,Kmax=10000)

# Summarises the results
NB: k (wtp) is defined in the interval [0 - 10000]

Cost-effectiveness analysis summary 

Reference intervention:  prophylaxis with NIs
Comparator intervention: status quo

Optimal decision: choose status quo for k < 60 and prophylaxis with NIs for k >= 60

Analysis for willingness to pay parameter k = 10000

                     Expected net benefit
status quo                        -4876.5
prophylaxis with NIs              -1133.1

                                      EIB CEAC   ICER
prophylaxis with NIs vs status quo 3743.3    1 42.953

Optimal intervention (max expected net benefit) for k = 10000: prophylaxis with NIs
EVPI 4.3707e-14