Bayesian approaches for addressing missing data in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (alongside Randomised Controlled Trials)

Gianluca Baio

Department of Statistical Science | University College London

22 July 2022

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…Just so you know what you’re about to get into… 😉

Health technology assessment (HTA)

Objective: Combine costs and benefits of a given intervention into a rational scheme for allocating resources

Health technology assessment (HTA)

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis

Health technology assessment (HTA)

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis

Health technology assessment (HTA)

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis

Individual-level data

HTA alongside RCTs

Clinical outcomes
HRQL data
Resource use data
1 1 M 23 \(\ldots\) \(y_{10}\) \(y_{11}\) \(\ldots\) \(y_{1J}\) 0.32 0.66 \(\ldots\) 0.44 103 241 \(\ldots\) 80
2 1 M 23 \(\ldots\) \(y_{20}\) \(y_{21}\) \(\ldots\) \(y_{2J}\) 0.12 0.16 \(\ldots\) 0.38 1204 1808 \(\ldots\) 877
3 2 F 19 \(\ldots\) \(y_{30}\) \(y_{31}\) \(\ldots\) \(y_{3J}\) 0.49 0.55 \(\ldots\) 0.88 16 23 \(\ldots\) 22
\(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\) \(\ldots\)

\(\color{olive}{y_{ij}} =\) Survival time, event indicator (eg CVD), number of events, continuous measurement (eg blood pressure), …

\(\color{blue}{u_{ij}}=\) Utility-based score to value health (eg EQ-5D, SF-36, Hospital & Anxiety Depression Scale), …

\(\color{red}{c_{ij}}=\) Use of resources (drugs, hospital, GP appointments), …

  • Usually aggregate longitudinal measurements into a cross-sectional summary and for each individual consider the pair \(\class{myblue}{(e_i,c_i)}\)
  • HTA preferably based on utility-based measures of effectiveness

  • Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) are a measure of disease burden combining

    • Quantity of life (the amount of time spent in a given health state)
    • Quality of life (the utility attached to that state)

Use of resources (drugs, hospital, GP appointments), …

(“Standard”) Statistical modelling

  1. Compute individual QALYs and total costs as

\[\class{myblue}{e_i = \displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{J} \left(u_{ij}+u_{i\hspace{.5pt}j-1}\right) \frac{\delta_{j}}{2}} \qquad \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{ and }} \class{myblue}{\qquad c_i = \sum_{j=0}^J c_{ij}} \qquad \left[\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{with: }} \class{myblue}{\delta_j = \frac{\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Time}}_j - \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Time}}_{j-1}}{\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Unit of time}}}}\right]\]

  1. (Often implicitly) assume normality and linearity and model independently individual QALYs and total costs by controlling for (centered) baseline values, eg \(\class{myblue}{u^∗ = (u − \bar{u} )}\) and \(\class{myblue}{c^∗ = (c − \bar{c} )}\) \[\begin{align} e_i & = \alpha_{e0} + \alpha_{e1} u^*_{0i} + \alpha_{e2} \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Trt}}_i + \varepsilon_{ei}\, [+ \ldots], \qquad \varepsilon_{ei} \sim \dnorm(0,\sigma_e) \\ c_i & = \alpha_{c0} + \alpha_{c1} c^*_{0i} + \alpha_{c2} \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Trt}}_i + \varepsilon_{ci}\, [+ \ldots], \qquad\hspace{2pt} \varepsilon_{ci} \sim \dnorm(0,\sigma_c) \end{align}\]
  1. Estimate population average cost and effectiveness differentials
    - Under this model specification, these are \(\class{myblue}{\Delta_e=\alpha_{e2}}\) and \(\class{myblue}{\Delta_c=\alpha_{c2}}\)
  1. Quantify impact of uncertainty in model parameters on the decision making process
    - In a fully frequentist analysis, this is done using resampling methods (eg bootstrap)

What’s wrong with that?…

  • Potential correlation between costs & clinical benefits [Individual level + Aggregated level Data]
    • Strong positive correlation: effective treatments are innovative and result from intensive and lengthy research \(\Rightarrow\) are associated with higher unit costs
    • Negative correlation: more effective treatments may reduce total care pathway costs e.g. by reducing hospitalisations, side effects, etc.
    • Because of the way in which standard models are set up, bootstrapping generally only approximates the underlying level of correlation – MCMC does a better job!
  • Joint/marginal normality not realistic [Mainly ILD]
    • Costs usually skewed and benefits may be bounded in \([0; 1]\) some ghost text to take it all the way to the end of the div so a coupl it to orange aside
    • Can use transformation (e.g. logs) – but care is needed when back transforming to the natural scale
    • Should use more suitable models (e.g. Beta, Gamma or log-Normal) – generally easier under a Bayesian framework
    • Particularly relevant in presence of partially observed data – more on this later!
  • Particularly as the focus is on decision-making (rather than just inference), we need to use all available evidence to fully characterise current uncertainty on the model parameters and outcomes [ILD + ALD]
    • A Bayesian approach is helpful in combining different sources of information
    • Propagating uncertainty is a fundamentally Bayesian operation!

Bayesian HTA in action

  • In general, can represent the joint distribution as \(\class{myblue}{p(e,c) = p(e)p(c\mid e) = p(c)p(e\mid c)}\)

Bayesian HTA in action

  • In general, can represent the joint distribution as \(\class{myblue}{p(e,c) = }\class{blue}{p(e)}\class{myblue}{p(c\mid e) = p(c)p(e\mid c)}\)

Bayesian HTA in action

  • In general, can represent the joint distribution as \(\class{myblue}{p(e,c) = }\class{blue}{p(e)}\class{red}{p(c\mid e)}\class{myblue}{ = p(c)p(e\mid c)}\)

Bayesian HTA in action

  • In general, can represent the joint distribution as \(\class{myblue}{p(e,c) = p(e)p(c\mid e) = p(c)p(e\mid c)}\)

- For example: \[\begin{align} \class{blue}{e_i \sim \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Normal}}(\phi_{ei},\tau_e)} && \class{blue}{\phi_{ei}} &\class{blue}{= \alpha_0 [+ \ldots]} && \class{blue}{\mu_e = \alpha_0} \\ \class{red}{c_i\mid e_i \sim \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Normal}}(\phi_{ci},\tau_c)} && \class{red}{\phi_{ci}} &\class{red}{= \beta_0 + \beta_1(e_i -\mu_e)[+\ldots]} && \class{red}{\mu_ c = \beta_0} \end{align}\]

Bayesian HTA in action

  • In general, can represent the joint distribution as \(\class{myblue}{p(e,c) = p(e)p(c\mid e) = p(c)p(e\mid c)}\)

- For example: \[\begin{align} \class{blue}{e_{i} \sim \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Beta}}(\phi_{ei}\tau_e,(1-\phi_{ei})\tau_e)} && \class{blue}{\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{logit}}(\phi_{ei})} &\class{blue}{= \alpha_0 [+ \ldots]} && \class{blue}{\mu_e = \frac{\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{exp}}(\alpha_0)}{1+\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{exp}}(\alpha_0)}} \\ \class{red}{c_i\mid e_i \sim \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Gamma}}(\tau_c,\tau_c/\phi_{ci})} && \class{red}{\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{log}}(\phi_{ci})} &\class{red}{= \beta_0 + \beta_1(e_i -\mu_e)[+\ldots]} && \class{red}{\mu_ c = \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{exp}}(\beta_0)} \end{align}\]

  • Combining “modules” and fully characterising uncertainty about deterministic functions of random quantities is relatively straightforward using MCMC

  • Prior information can help stabilise inference (especially with sparse data!), eg

    • Cancer patients are unlikely to survive as long as the general population
    • ORs are unlikely to be greater than \(\pm \style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{5}}\)

Missing data in HTA

  • Missing data are complicated in any context

    • But are fairly established in medical/bio-statistical research
  • In HTA it’s even more complicated…

    • Bivariate outcome, usually correlated
    • Normality not reasonable (skewness)
    • Other features of the data (“spikes”)
    • Main objective: decision-making, not inference!

Missing data in HTA

Selection models: MCAR \((e,c)\)

  • \(\class{olive}{m_{ei}\sim\dbern(\pi_{ei}); \qquad \logit(\pi_{ei})=\gamma_{e0}}\)

  • \(\class{orange}{m_{ci}\sim\dbern(\pi_{ci}); \qquad \logit(\pi_{ci})=\gamma_{c0}}\)

Missing data in HTA

Selection models: MAR \((e,c)\)

  • \(\class{olive}{m_{ei}\sim\dbern(\pi_{ei}); \qquad \logit(\pi_{ei})=\gamma_{e0} + \sum_{k=1}^K \gamma_{ek}x_{eik}}\)

  • \(\class{orange}{m_{ci}\sim\dbern(\pi_{ci}); \qquad \logit(\pi_{ci})=\gamma_{c0} + \sum_{h=1}^H \gamma_{ch}x_{cih}}\)

Missing data in HTA

Selection models: MNAR \((e,c)\)

  • \(\class{olive}{m_{ei}\sim\dbern(\pi_{ei}); \qquad \logit(\pi_{ei})=\gamma_{e0} + \sum_{k=1}^K \gamma_{ek}x_{eik} + \gamma_{eK+1}e_i;} \class{blue}{\quad \gamma_{eK+1}\sim\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Informative Prior}}}\)

  • \(\class{orange}{m_{ci}\sim\dbern(\pi_{ci}); \qquad \logit(\pi_{ci})=\gamma_{c0} + \sum_{h=1}^H \gamma_{ch}x_{cih} + \gamma_{cH+1}c_i;} \class{blue}{\quad \gamma_{cK+1}\sim\style{font-family:inherit;}{\text{Informative Prior}}}\)

Motivating example: MenSS trial

  • The MenSS pilot RCT evaluates the cost-effectiveness of a new digital intervention to reduce the incidence of STI in young men with respect to the SOC
    • QALYs calculated from utilities (EQ-5D 3L)
    • Total costs calculated from different components (no baseline)

Partially observed data

Time Type of outcomes Observed (%) Observed (%)
Control (\(n_1=\) 75) Intervention (\(n_2=\) 84)
Baseline utilities 72 (96%) 72 (86%)
3 months utilities and costs 34 (45%) 23 (27%)
6 months utilities and costs 35 (47%) 23 (27%)
12 months utilities and costs 43 (57%) 36 (43%)
Complete cases utilities and costs 27 (44%) 19 (23%)

Motivating example: MenSS trial

  • The MenSS pilot RCT evaluates the cost-effectiveness of a new digital intervention to reduce the incidence of STI in young men with respect to the SOC
    • QALYs calculated from utilities (EQ-5D 3L)
    • Total costs calculated from different components (no baseline)

Skewness and “structural values”


Gabrio et al (2018)

  1. Bivariate Normal
    • Simpler and closer to “standard” frequentist models
    • Accounts for correlation between QALYs and costs


Gabrio et al (2018)

  1. Bivariate Normal
    • Simpler and closer to “standard” frequentist models
    • Accounts for correlation between QALYs and costs
  2. Beta-Gamma
    • Account for correlation between outcomes and model the relevant ranges: QALYs \(\in (0,1)\) and costs \(\in (0,\infty)\)
    • But: needs to rescale the observed data \(\class{myblue}{e^*_{it}=(e_{it}-\epsilon)}\) to avoid spikes at 1


Gabrio et al (2018)

  1. Bivariate Normal
    • Simpler and closer to “standard” frequentist models
    • Accounts for correlation between QALYs and costs
  2. Beta-Gamma
    • Account for correlation between outcomes and model the relevant ranges: QALYs \(\in (0,1)\) and costs \(\in (0,\infty)\)
    • But: needs to rescale the observed data \(\class{myblue}{e^*_{it}=(e_{it}-\epsilon)}\) to avoid spikes at 1
  3. Hurdle model
    • Model \(e_{it}\) as a mixture to account for correlation between outcomes + relevant ranges + structural values
    • May expand further to account for partially observed baseline utilities \(u_{0it}\) (needs untestable assumptions!)


Gabrio et al (2018)

  1. Bivariate Normal
    • Simpler and closer to “standard” frequentist models
    • Accounts for correlation between QALYs and costs
  2. Beta-Gamma
    • Account for correlation between outcomes and model the relevant ranges: QALYs \(\in (0,1)\) and costs \(\in (0,\infty)\)
    • But: needs to rescale the observed data \(\class{myblue}{e^*_{it}=(e_{it}-\epsilon)}\) to avoid spikes at 1
  3. Hurdle model
    • Model \(e_{it}\) as a mixture to account for correlation between outcomes + relevant ranges + structural values
    • May expand further to account for partially observed baseline utilities \(u_{0it}\) (needs untestable assumptions!)


Gabrio et al (2018)

  1. Bivariate Normal
    • Simpler and closer to “standard” frequentist models
    • Accounts for correlation between QALYs and costs
  2. Beta-Gamma
    • Account for correlation between outcomes and model the relevant ranges: QALYs \(\in (0,1)\) and costs \(\in (0,\infty)\)
    • But: needs to rescale the observed data \(\class{myblue}{e^*_{it}=(e_{it}-\epsilon)}\) to avoid spikes at 1
  3. Hurdle model
    • Model \(e_{it}\) as a mixture to account for correlation between outcomes + relevant ranges + structural values
    • May expand further to account for partially observed baseline utilities \(u_{0it}\) (needs untestable assumptions!)

Bayesian multiple imputation (MAR)


A R package to deal with missing data in HTA

Objectives: Run a set of complex models to account for different level of complexity and missingness

GitHub repository


  • A full Bayesian approach to handling missing data extends standard “imputation methods”

    • Can consider MAR and MNAR with relatively little expansion to the basic model
  • Particularly helpful in cost-effectiveness analysis, to account for

    • Asymmetrical distributions for the main outcomes
    • Correlation between costs & benefits
    • Structural values (eg spikes at 1 for utilities or spikes at 0 for costs)
  • Need specialised software + coding skills

    • R package missingHE to implement a set of general models
 priormodel<-list ("mu.prior.e"=mu.prior.e,"delta.prior.e"=delta.prior.e)
    run_model(data=data, model.eff=e~1, model.cost=c~1,
    program="JAGS",forward=FALSE,prob=c(0.05,0.95),n.chains=2,n.iter =20000,
  • Link up with the “R-HTA-verse”

    • Other packages that can be used to analyse/post-process the output of economic models
    • BCEA, survHE, heemod, …