model { # Evidence synthesis on incidence of influenza in # "healthy" adults in placebo group for(h in 1:H) { x[h] ~ dbin(beta[h], m[h]) logit(beta[h]) <- gamma[h] gamma[h] ~ dnorm(mu.gamma,tau.gamma) } # Evidence synthesis for efffectiveness of NIs for (s in 1:S) { r0[s] ~ dbin(pi0[s],n0[s]) r1[s] ~ dbin(pi1[s],n1[s]) logit(pi0[s]) <- alpha[s] logit(pi1[s]) <- alpha[s]+delta[s] delta[s] ~ dnorm(, alpha[s] ~ dnorm(mean.alpha,prec.alpha) } # Prior distributions ~ dnorm(, mu.gamma ~ dnorm(, ~ dunif(0,10) <- pow(,-2) sigma.gamma ~ dunif(0,10) tau.gamma <- pow(sigma.gamma,-2) phi ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) # Costs of influenza c.inf ~ dnorm(mu.inf,tau.inf) # Length of time to recovery when infected by influenza l ~ dlnorm(mu.l,tau.l) # Odds Ratio of influenza under treatment with NIs rho <- exp( # Estimated probability of influenza in "healthy adults" under t=0 p1 <- exp(mu.gamma)/(1+exp(mu.gamma)) # Estimated probability of influenza in "healthy adults" under t=1 p2 <- (rho*p1/(1-p1))/(1+rho*p1/(1-p1)) }